Resilience Theory

*Presented in ASL*

by Priscila Monteiro  (Self-Care)

In this workshop you will learn about The Resilience Model, by Dr. Glenn Richardson. The Resilience Model tell us the solution to every problem, the guidance for every dream, and all that anyone ever needed, wanted, or hoped for reside in the sea of energy, vitality, enlightenment, and power that dwells within you and within the world around you. With this workshop, I am going to help you access that energy, vitality, and wisdom that guide you to thrive through adversity and maximize your potential. This process is called resiliency. You are going to learn about the resilient journey and resiliency, which is the process and experience of being disrupted by life challenges, going through stages of emotional distress, experiencing insights and aha moments, and then accessing innate strengths to not only recover but grow through adversity. At the end of the day, you will know how to identifying personal sources of strength and flexibility to access your own ability to thrive throughout challenges in life. You will learn how to deal with burnout, vicarious trauma, and how to increase your support system. You will take control of your life story and all the short stories that happen every day.

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Expansions Using Depictions

*Presented in ASL*

by Wink Smith  (Interpreting Skills)

ASL Link:

The meanings of words do not reside in the words themselves nor do they reside as pre-existing structures in the mind. Word meaning is dynamically created in our minds while we hear/see/create utterances. This inevitably causes problems when communicating, especially communicating something that was originally created in a completely different language — such is the plight of the interpreter and the translator. There are multiple problems that can arise; however, we will focus on one for this workshop: minimal utterances that communicate a maximal amount of information conceptually and how to manage the conceptual transfer into another language. In other words, when should I expand when using depiction? Relying on cognitive studies we see how language works in the mind. This has lead to a working proposal for how to manage a situation where the source does not explicitly say something, but it does communicate it conceptually. In addition, when is too much? What kind of parameters should we impose on ourselves so that we do not change the meaning of the source utterance? These points will be discussed in this workshop with the aim to provide tools on how to determine what can be brought from our conceptual world into the target language.

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Saturday, August 4 | Terps Rock 2018 (6.5 CEHs/CEUs)

MORNING SESSION   9:00 – 11:30am

9:00 – 9:15am –


9:15 – 9:40am

Stephanie Mathis:Becoming Transformative & Restorative Interpreters in Violent Settings” (Domestic Violence)

9:40 – 9:50am

Audience Q&A

10:00 – 10:25am

Scott Keller: “Finding the Leader Within” (Leadership)

10:25 – 10:35am

Audience Q&A

10:45 – 11:10am

Betsy Bennion, Jed Patton & Samond Bishara: Pulling Back the Curtain: Finding Deaf Heart in VRS for Longevity

11:10 – 11:20am

Audience Q&A

11:20 – 11:30am

Closing remarks and afternoon session overview

BUSINESS MEETING (lunch provided) 11:30am – 1:00pm

AFTERNOON SESSIONS  1:00 – 3:00pm, 3:30 – 5:30pm

1:00 – 3:00pm

Stephanie Mathis – Lounge
Scott Keller – Lecture Hall
Betsy Bennion, Jed Patton & Samond Bishara – Gym

3:30 – 5:30pm

Stephanie Mathis – Lounge
Scott Keller – Lecture Hall
Betsy Bennion, Jed Patton & Samond Bishara – Gym

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Friday, August 3 | Terps Rock 2018 (6.5 CEHs/CEUs)

MORNING SESSION   9:00 – 11:30am

9:00 – 9:10am


9:10 – 9:30am

Wink Smith: “Expansions Using Depictions” (Interpreting Skills)

9:30 – 9:40am

Audience Q&A

9:45 – 10:05am

Priscila Monterio: “Resilience Theory” (Self-Care)

10:05 – 10:15am

Audience Q&A

10:20 – 10:40am

Teddi Von Pingel: “First Impressions: Set Foundation for All to Succeed” (Medical)

10:40 – 10:50am

Audience Q&A

10:55 – 11:15am

Dawn Duran & Pamela Mower: “Allyship & Partnership with UAD” (Community)

11:15 – 11:25am

Audience Q&A

11:25 – 11:30am

Closing remarks and afternoon session overview

LUNCH ON YOUR OWN  11:30am – 1:00pm

AFTERNOON SESSIONS  1:00 – 3:00pm, 3:30 – 5:30pm

1:00 – 3:00pm

Wink Smith – Lecture Hall
Priscila Monterio – Lounge
Teddi Von Pingel – Classroom C
Dawn Duran & Pamela Mower – Classroom B

3:30 – 5:30pm

Wink Smith – Lecture Hall
Priscila Monterio – Lounge
Teddi Von Pingel – Classroom C
Dawn Duran & Pamela Mower – Classroom B

Dance & Karaoke Party (light dinner provided) 6:00-9:00 pm

Emcee – Billy Krahl

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2018 UTRID Conference

UtRID Semi-Annual Conference

August 2-4


Please join or renew your membership prior to registering to qualify for member pricing


Early Bird Rate: Ends July 20th Expired

Member-$175 Expired
Non-Member*-$210 Expired

Regular Rate: July 20-August 1  Expired

Member-$200 Expired
Non-Member*-$235  Expired

Price at the Door: August 2-4


*All Non-Member registrations include UTRID membership

Individual Daily rates:

Thursday ONLY $20 (member)/$55 (non-member)

Friday OR Saturday ONLY $125 (member)/$160 (non-member)

Printable Conference Flyer

Call for Presenters Flyer:Call for presenters 2018 –Closed

Call for Nominations  Flyer: Call for nominations 2018

Board Member Call

Exhibitor Registration

Call for Volunteers – Please Contact Erinn Pack for details and to volunteer

Fundraising Volunteers Needed

The UTRID conference committee is looking for a couple of volunteer interpreters for Friday (Aug 3rd.) We are fortunate to have Priscila Monterio come do a workshop for us on Resilience Theory. However, Priscila does not know ASL. We have secured some incentives for those who are willing to help us out. 

If you are interested in this gig, shoot an email to ([email protected]) or text (801-712-5689) for more details. 

Utah RID State Conference August 2nd—4th, 2018

UTRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities.
For Refund/Cancellation please see our Cancellation and Refund Policy.

UTRID does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.


2018 Terps Rock Conference Schedule

Schedule subject to change, 14 CEU/CEH 

Thursday, August 2 (Evening Session) (1 CEU/CEH)

6:30 pm-7:00 pm Registration
7:00 pm-8:00 pm Keynote Speaker: Scott Keller
8:00 pm-9:00 pm Opening Reception & Dessert Bar

Friday, August 3 (6.5 CEU/CEH)

8:30 am-9:00 am Registration
9:00 am-11:30 am Morning Session
11:30 am-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm-3:00 pm Afternoon Session 1
3:30 pm-5:30 pm Afternoon Session 2
6:00 pm-9:00 pm Dance & Karaoke Party (light dinner provided)

Saturday, August 4 (6.5 CEU/CEH)

8:30 am-9:00 am Registration
9:00 am-11:30 am Morning Session
11:30 am-1:00 pm UTRID Business Meeting (Lunch Provided)
1:00 pm-3:00 pm Afternoon Session 1
3:30 pm-5:30 pm Afternoon Session 2


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2018 UTRID Board Elections

Have you ever wanted to serve in the UTRID board? Now is your chance!

We have the following positions opening this year!

Vice President :
The Vice-President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform all duties of the President and in so acting shall have all the powers of the President.
The Vice-President shall serve as Director of Committees and oversee all committees operating according to these Bylaws.
The Vice-President shall have other powers and perform other duties as prescribed by the Board of Directors.

The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the organization, making at least quarterly financial records of the organization, making at least quarterly financial reports to the President, maintaining the financial accounts, and making payments for authorized expenditures.
The Treasurer shall supervise the budget planning/forecasts to allow an effective operation of the UTRID.
The Treasurer shall provide a certified (by the board or an independent auditor) copy of the organization’s financial statement to the President for the Annual Report within thirty (30) days after the expiration of each fiscal year. The financial statements shall include a description of the source of all receipts and a description of all disbursements.
The Treasurer shall present an annual financial report to the membership of the organization at the business meeting held between June 1 and August 30.
The Treasurer shall provide to the UTRID President, RID Regional Representative and the national office of the RID the 501-C-3 tax exempt reporting form (Form 990, Return of Organizations Exempt form Income Tax) by November 15 of each year.
The Treasurer shall perform other duties of the office as prescribed by the Board of Directors.

MAL/ Conference Chair– plan the next 2 conferences, coordinating with the VP
MAL/ UAD Liaision– connect with UAD as a partner for activities and events
MAL/Professional Development- Works closely with the Student Chair and the CMP director to plan and execute workshops for Utah and RID credit.
MAL/ Public Relations-Maintains and updates the website and works closely with the membership chair to maintain the membership list.

The Members-at-Large (MAL) shall act as liaisons to the Board of Directors from the membership, working directly with the membership assisting with the coordination of activities and communications within the organization.
The Members-at-Large shall serve as resource persons to the membership.
The Members-at-Large shall perform other duties of the office as prescribed by the Board of Directors.

CMP Certification Maintenance Program:
The CMP shall be coordinated through the RID and the state of Utah. The certification maintenance program director shall be an approved RID CMP sponsor. Sponsors shall follow the CMP Sponsor standards set by the RID

Please email your submissions and nominations to Kimm at [email protected]


2018 UTRID Conference | Presenter Call

Utah RID invites you to submit proposals for the 2018 Bi-Annual State Conference. The 2018 theme is “Terps Rock”, we continually strengthen our skills, create a foundation for the future, and promote interpreter unity. Workshops will be 3 or 6 hours in length.

Proposals are due April 15, 2018

  • Mail submissions to UTRID 2018 Conference Proposals, 5709 South 1500 West, SLC UT 84123, email to [email protected], or submit via the form located at
  • The presentation should support the conference theme of “Terps Rock” and may fall into one of the following focus areas: self improvement, skill building, self-care, mentoring, or team building.
  • Sumbissions must include
    • Presenter’s name, phone, and e-mail address.
    • Target Audience
    • Content Area (Professional Studies | General Studies)
    • Level of participants prior knowledge of topic (Little/none| Some,| Extensive | Teaching)
    • Description of workshop/activity
    • Educational Objectives (list specific measurable actions by participants that will demonstrate comprehension and integration of information presented)
    • Media/Materials used (list print, audio/visual materials you will use. Who is responsible for providing them?)
    • Instructor Bio and Photo
    • Expected Compensation

Questions? Email [email protected]

Printable flyer: Call for presenters 2018

Utah RID State Conference August 2nd—4th, 2018


2018 UTRID Conference | Nomination Call

Utah RID invites you to submit Nominations for Awards to be presented at the 2018 Bi-Annual State Conference. The 2018 theme is “Terps Rock” as we continually strengthen our skills, create a foundation for the future, and promote interpreter unity.

Nominations are being accepted for the following awards:

  • Interpreter of the year
    • Recognizes an outstanding interpreter from our community who has been exceptional in professionalism, service, and attitude.
  • Kim Maibaum Lifetime acheivment
    • Presented to an individual who has spent a lifetime enriching not only the profession, but also the members of the interpreting and deaf communities.
  • Ellen O’Hara community member of the year
    • Recognizes and individual who actively supports the interpreting profession and exemplifies leadership within the deaf community.
  • Student of the year
    • A student who has gone above and beyond in volunteerism and exemplifies leadership within their student community.

Nominations are due June 1, 2018

  • Mail nominations to UTRID 2018 Award Nominations, 5709 South 1500 West, SLC UT 84123 or email to [email protected]
  • Nominations must include the name of individual being nominated and a statement supporting the reasons for nomination.
  • Questions? Email [email protected]

Printable flyer: Call for nominations 2018

Utah RID State Conference August 2nd—4th, 2018



2018 UTRID Conference | Artist Call

Utah RID invites you to submit up to two designs for the 2018 Bi-Annual State Conference. The logo is featured on the conference publications and advertising. The 2018 theme is “Terps Rock”, we continually strengthen our skills, create a foundation for the future, and promote interpreter unity.

Entries are due April 1, 2018

  • Mail entries to UTRID Logo Design, 5709 South 1500 West, SLC UT 84123 or email to [email protected]
  • Entries must be camera-ready design or image. Digital images are preferred in a scalable vector graphic format (EPS or SVG). PNG and JPG files are acceptable
  • The design must incorporate the words “Terps Rock” and “2018”
  • Please include the following information with your submission: name, Mailing address, phone, and e-mail address.
  • The original artwork of the winning design will become property of UTRID. You will retain the rights to use your image for your portfolio, UTRID will own the copyright to the selected work for reproductions.
  • The UTRID logo and the dates will be added in an unobtrusive area of the design.

Winning Design will be announced April 20, 2018

Registration to the conference will be awarded to the creator of the winning design, plus fame and glory!

Questions? Email [email protected]

Printable flyer: Call for logo design 2018

Utah RID State Conference August 2nd—4th, 2018