UIP 30th Celebration: May 6th from 7-9pm

Let’s Celebrate with UIP – it’s their 30th Anniversary!  Join us on Friday May 6th from 7-9pm at the Sanderson Community Center! (See the flyer below)

A personal invitation from Trenton, the UIP Program Manager

“UTRID and its predecessor, URID have been a tremendous part of the history of interpreting here in Utah.  Established in 1968, URID was one of the early chapters of RID and was instrumental along with UAD in recognizing the needs of our community: the need for qualified interpreters, the need for training of interpreters, supporting the goals of passing certification laws, etc.  Needless to say- our state would not be where it is in regards to interpreting without UTRID and UAD along with UIP!

We would love for you all to come to our celebration of interpreting in Utah next Friday, May 6th from 7-9 pm.  I’m attaching a flyer for distribution to the UTRID board and membership.

We would love it if you could bring any pictures or documents you may have and share your stories!:) If you have pictures, please scan and send to [email protected].

If you have any questions, please let us know!:)”

– Trenton Marsh, UIP Program Manager

– Teddi Von Pingel, UTRID President

2022 LEVEL-UP Conference | Award Nominations

You are invited to submit Award Nominations!

Awards will be presented at this year’s Bi-Annual State Conference—2022 LEVEL-UP.

Nominations are being accepted for the following awards:

  • Interpreter of the Year
    • Recognizes an outstanding interpreter from our community who has been exceptional in professionalism, service, and attitude.
  • Kim Maibaum Lifetime Achievement
    • Presented to an individual who has spent a lifetime enriching not only the profession but also the members of the interpreting and deaf communities.
  • Ellen O’Hara Community Member of the Year
    • Recognizes an individual who actively supports the interpreting profession and exemplifies leadership within the deaf community.
  • Student of the Year
    • A student who has gone above and beyond in volunteerism and exemplifies leadership within their student community.


Nominations are due July 18th,2022

  • Email nominations to UTRID 2022 Award Nominations to [email protected]
  • Nominations must include (1) the name of the individual being nominated and (2) a statement supporting the reasons for nomination.
  • Questions? Email [email protected]
UTRID Conference
Salt Lake City, Utah

LEVEL-UP 2022 Save The Date!

UTRID’s Level-Up Conference 2022 is happening August 4th-6th! We are already underway of planning what a spectacular conference this will be!









Call for Presenters for Level-Up Conference 2022

Hello UTRID!

As we are busy planning the 2022 Level-Up Conference! As we think of presenters for the conference, we think it’s important to open this up to the community. The community has so much to offer and UTRID wants to tap into that.

Please follow the directions on the flyer to submit a proposal. Proposals are due on May 5th, 2022 to [email protected]

We look forward to your submissions. #LEVEL-UP

Downloadable PDF Link: 

A Call for Presenters 2022


Presenter Call:

If you prefer the link and not the QR code for the Presenter Application, you can find it here:


If you have any questions, please contact Makayla Johnson via email or text.

Email: [email protected]

Text: 801-703-0148





2022 Silent Weekend Update

Hello Interpreting Friends!

I wanted to keep you posted on what is happening with Silent Weekend.

We sent out a survey asking for your interest and response related to Silent Weekend and we really appreciate your input. Thank you!

I’ve said several times lately, “COVID ruins everything!” It kind of got the better of Silent Weekend for this year. Long story, but it looks like we are starting to pull out of the COVID nightmare. *fingers crossed*

We as the UTRID board, and I as the Silent Weekend chair have evaluated the UTRID offerings. We LOVE our conferences and we LOVE being with you at Silent Weekend. We want to be intentional about supporting and offering both events. We have a big conference coming in the Fall so we are going to focus our efforts there for now. AND we are going to focus on planning an amazing Silent Weekend for next Spring (2023).

We look forward to seeing you face to face and sharing hugs soon!

Thank you for all of your support!
Teresa Edwards
Silent Weekend Chair, UTRID

Student Involvement Workshop – “I GRADUATED, I’M CERTIFIED…NOW WHAT?” 2/24/22


The idea of jumping out into the workforce after school can be intimidating! We have a panel of some of the best in our interpreting community to walk you through your options. The panel will consist of managers, leaders, and business owners of interpreting organizations in our community. They will answer questions about opportunities for newly graduated and certified interpreters within their organizations, recommendations, and what to expect. There will also be time at the end for Q/A and networking.

Participants will compare and contrast different potential job opportunities within the Utah community.
Participants will discuss questions and concerns with experts in various interpreting fields.
Participants will network with working professionals and other students.

This workshop is aimed towards interpreting students and newly certified interpreters, yet all students and interpreters are welcome.

The panel will consist of: Jed Patton, Adrienne Shearer-Davis, Nicole Hemmingsen, and Cody Simonsen.

Students – $5
Members – $25
Non-Member – $60

Purchase your ticket (you must be logged into your member account to see the reduced price). Links will be sent 1 day prior to the workshop. Late registration may delay the receipt of the link, register early to avoid delays.

UTRID does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, gender, gender expression, disability, marital status, age, national
origin, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or

UTRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities. This professional studies program is offered for 0.2 CEUS/2 CEHS at the little/none Content Knowledge Level. Request accommodations during the registration process, view the cancellation/refund policies.

Professional Development Workshop – First of 2022!

Happy New Year!  We are starting this year’s UTRID Professional Development offering with “Workshop Proposals: Fizzle or Flame” facilitated by Anita Nelson-Julander, Sarah Hemmert, and Teddi von Pingel.  This workshop was rescheduled in 2021 and is a great way to learn how everyone can contribute to the experiences and knowledge of UTRID workshops.  The Zoom link for the workshop will be sent out to all registered participants the day before the event.
We look forward to seeing you there!
-Teddi von Pingel, UTRID President


Professional Development Workshops are held on the Saturdays listed, 9am-12pm (unless other wise noted) and are held via Zoom until further notice. When In Person workshops are permitted, they will be hosted at Sanderson Community Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 5709 S 1500 W Taylorsville, Utah

Members: $30
Non-Members: $65

Purchase your ticket (you must be logged into your member account to see the reduced price). Links will be sent 1 day prior to the workshop. Late registration may delay the receipt of the link, register early to avoid delays.

UTRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities. This professional studies program is offered for 0.3 CEUs/3 CEHs at the little/none Content Knowledge Level. Please request accommodations through the registration form. Click here to view UTRID cancellation/refund policies.

UTRID does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, disability, marital status, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

For the full 2022 schedule, click here

Call for interpreters – Sundance Film Festival

Trenton Marsh was contacted by the accessibility coordinator/manager of Sundance Film Festival and they expressed interest in having BIPOC interpreters at the festival for several reasons.  They are also looking for interpreters with other areas of expertise, as well as CDIs.
Laura Benge, the accessibility manager asked for help in passing along a letter to UTRID members.  More information can be found in this Google Doc:
Feel free to share with interpreter friends!
Happy Holidays to all!
Teddi, UTRID President

Silent Weekend Survey – Your Input Needed by 12/10/21

Hello UTRID Members and friends! We are preparing for the UTRID Silent weekend 2022, for certified interpreters and Deaf interpreters only. We need your input to determine how many people we can accommodate in the rental house. We know that there are unforeseen circumstances that can happen but with your input we will be able to make the best decision for all of us.

Please respond to this survey by Friday December 10th. THANK YOU for your valuable input!


Our 2022 UTRID Lineup

The UTRID Board met for our annual retreat on November 13th.  We are pleased to announce the 2022 Theme and our tentative schedule for workshops, conferences, and other offerings in 2022.  The Silent Weekend event and Annual Conference dates are reserved and you can mark your calendars for those two events!

For now, we are planning to host events virtually, through Zoom.  When possible to host socially distanced workshops/conference/silent weekend, we will provide off-site streaming options unless otherwise noted. COVID-19 precautions and facility restrictions may require changes in date/time or delivery method.

The UTRID online calendar will also be updated regularly with specific details about each event.  Keep an eye out here and in your inbox for all that is coming in the New Year!

2022 UTRID Theme:  Together We Create Community

January 22nd, 9a-12p – PD Workshop (Virtual): “Fizzle or Flame” facilitated by Anita Nelson-Julander, Sarah Hemmert, and Teddi von Pingel.  (Rescheduled from an earlier date)

February – Student Involvement Workshop: We Love our Students!

March –  Terp Talk: The State of UTRID

April 28 – May 1st- Silent Weekend (Dates reserved)

One of the on-site workshops during this event will be streamed to off-site participants as a PD Workshop event.  $ and Time/Topic will be advertised later.

May 4th – Interpreter Appreciation Day

June – Terp Talk

July – Terp Talk

August 4-6: Annual Conference (Dates reserved)

Our theme is “Level Up”.  Call for presenters and call for logo design will be posted soon. 

September – Student Involvement Workshop

October – Student Involvement Workshop and PD Workshop

November – Terp Talk / Sub for Santa Kickoff

December – Sub for Santa