Extended Deadline: UTRID Scholarships

UTRID is offering up to $5,000 in scholarship funds! Applicants must be UTRID and RID members in good standing, Utah residents, and submit applications by June 3rd. Eligible activities include RID tests, conference fees, and other professional development. Request can range from $1 to $500. Apply today!


Link to scholarships info & application page.

Interpreter Appreciation 2024

On Wednesday May 1st, UTRID will be participating in the National Interpreter Appreciation Day. This special day of honoring and thanking interpreters for their commitment to the field and to the communities they serve happens annually on the first Wednesday in May.

This year we are excited to announce that from May 1st through May 6th we will be offering 25% off all UTRID membership types with the code: Appreciate2023

To renew your membership, please visit your Membership Summary and click Renew. Don’t forget to enter the code Appreciate2024 for your 25% discount!

Also, keep your eye on and make sure you follow our Instagram for a surprise giveaway!!

2024 Theme and Mission Announcement

Dear UTRID Members,

2024 Theme

After considerable deliberation, the board decided on  “Come Together” as the theme for 2024. An anthem of our commitment to unity, collaboration, and progress, it’s a call to action for us as professionals to bring not only ourselves together but also the skills and talent we carry into our work for the benefit of the consumers we serve. 

2024 Mission

In the coming year, our focus is on bringing together UTRID’s operations for clarity, transparency, and alignment. We aim to structure our processes for easy communication and handoff, benefitting our board, committee members, and cherished members.

This entails documenting our operational procedures, transforming valuable insights into tangible processes. By streamlining our operations now, we’re laying a robust foundation for UTRID’s long-term success and sustainability.

2024 Events

While this internal alignment takes place, we remain committed to providing essential professional development opportunities for you and your colleagues:

  • Spring Workshop: March 16th
  • Multi-day Summer Conference: Aug. 8-10th
  • Fall Networking Social: TBA
  • Continued Processing of CEUs State-wide 

2024 Board

Meet the dedicated individuals leading UTRID in 2024. Follow this link to view contact info and responsibilities.

UTRID is a volunteer led and operated organization; we are always looking for colleagues to join us in bringing the mission and events of 2024 to life. We believe in your brilliance and value your contribution, big or small. Ready to give back to our community? Reply to this email.

Your continued support is invaluable as we strive for clarity and alignment within UTRID. Together, let’s build a future where unity and collaboration flourish.

Sub for Santa – Donations Close Today!


Together with Sego Lily Center for Abused Deaf (SLCAD), we are sponsoring a family of 5 children who have placed their Christmas wishes in the hands of the interpreting community. The family still has items on their list and today is the last day to donate!  

🎁 How You Can Help: Visit our Amazon Registry wishlist at https://rb.gy/8hb415 to view the items and make a purchase. Your purchased donation will be sent directly to SLCAD, who will ensure that they reach the family in time for Christmas.

⛄ Support alternatively: Monetary donations of any size are also welcome; all donated funds go directly to the family’s needs. Send by PayPal or Venmo @UTRID or by card at utrid.com/donations.

📅 Deadline for Donations: TODAY!  

Your generosity can bring joy and brighten the holiday season for this family. Let’s come together as a community to make a difference and spread the true spirit of giving. Thank you for your support and generosity in advance!

For any questions, please email Pamela at [email protected]. Thank you!


Sub for Santa – Donations Close Wednesday Dec. 20

Join us! Giving back to the Deaf Community sustains us throughout the year. This holiday season, our Sub for Santa initiative partners with Sego Lily Center for Abused Deaf (SLCAD) to assist families in need. We’re sponsoring a family of 5 children who have placed their Christmas wishes in the hands of the interpreting community.  

🎁 How You Can Help: Visit our Amazon Registry wishlist at https://rb.gy/8hb415 to view the items and make a purchase. Your purchased donation will be sent directly to SLCAD, who will ensure that they reach the family in time for Christmas.

⛄ Support Alternatively: Monetary donations of any size are also welcome; all donated funds go directly to the family’s needs. Send by PayPal or Venmo @UTRID or by card at utrid.com/donations.

📅 Deadline for Donations: To allow SLCAD enough time to wrap up the gifts and deliver them to the family, please ensure your donations are made by December 20th.

Your generosity can bring joy and brighten the holiday season for this family. Let’s come together as a community to make a difference and spread the true spirit of giving. Thank you for your support and generosity in advance!

For any questions, please email Pamela at [email protected]. Thank you!

2024 Sub for Santa

Now is again that time of the year, when UTRID (Utah Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf) hosts an exciting event known as Sub for Santa. This wonderful charity event sponsors families, who have faced unexpected challenges in recent months and we are teaming up with SLCAD (Sego Lily Center for Abused Deaf) for this. Christmas may be a difficult time for some who are experiencing lean times while experiencing domestic violence. It is up to us in the community who are capable of making a difference in such people’s lives, and to make Christmas a little merrier for them.


This year, we are sponsoring one family through SLCAD.  We are having a wishlist on the Amazon Registry with items that each family member needs and wants. This list is open for everyone to view. If you would like to purchase an item on the wishlist, please do so. Purchased items will be sent directly to SLCAD to deliver to the family.


In order to donate, please visit the link and take a look at the list  https://rb.gy/8hb415 Please do this before Dec. 20 to allow SLCAD time to wrap items up and deliver to the family.


ALSO, please join us for a short and sweet party at the Sanderson Community Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing on December 9, 2023. It’s a great opportunity to socialize and catch up on what’s new.


Help us raise funds to support the families by paying $1 each for the following activities:
• Cookies
• Hot Chocolate
• Snowman crafts
• Holiday photo booth


For any questions, please email Pamela at [email protected]. Thank you!

Your Input Wanted — 2024 Membership Survey

Follow this link to view in ASL.

Scroll down to view survey.

Hello, wonderful members of UTRID. Thank you for reading this post. My name is Tanner Vance, and I am the new president of UTRID.

UTRID’s purpose is to support you and the membership by providing professional development opportunities to benefit the Interpreting community and the deaf community as we enrich our professional abilities. The 2023–2025 board will soon gather for our annual board retreat, where we will plan for 2024, and we want to know your thoughts. We want your feedback regardless of whether you are Deaf, hearing, a certified interpreter, a novice interpreter, a student or CDI, or someone just starting your practice. We want your feedback, please.

UTRID has a history of impact throughout our state and is a recognized Affiliate Chapter nationally. The 2023 board wants to continue this legacy and growth, which requires your feedback. We believe striving to thrive is vital, and we do that as an organization by recognizing your needs (past, present, and future), how they have changed, and what new needs have become apparent so we can adapt our programming to benefit you. Before we can do this, however, we have to collect your input. This is where we ask for your help.

We’ve created a Google form, which is linked here. Filling the survey out will take about 10 to 15 minutes (15 max). The form will close in two weeks on Sat. November 11 at 10 PM. If you submit it before next Sat. November 4 at 10 PM, you may enter a three-winner prize drawing for a free ticket for the annual conference or a workshop next year. It will be a 2 1/2 day conference as opposed to last year’s 1 1/2  mini conference. It will be a fun-filled, excellent time!

I hope you can take the time to send in your thoughts. Your submission will be of value to us as we plan for next year, and you as our events can better match your needs. I look forward to reading your responses. Thank you and have a great day!

Click here to open the form in a new tab.


Call for Board Nominations: An Invitation to Strive to Thrive at UTRID

UTRID is now seeking nominations for 2023-2025 board positions. Do you know an interpreter who…

  • …cares about our colleagues and consumers and is ready to give back to the Deaf and interpreter communities here in Utah?
  • …wants to make a difference in the profession and their career?
  • …loves to work with and learn from colleagues across specialties?

If any of the above descriptions seem like you or someone you know, please consider sending a nomination for a position listed below. (See nomination directions at the bottom of this bulletin.) Board positions will be voted into office during the annual UTRID Business Meeting on August 5th 2023.

UTRID's 2023 Theme: STRIVE TO THRIVENominations are now open for the following positions:

  • President
    • The President shall have general supervision and direction of the business and affairs of the organization. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and/or Directors and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed, from time to time, by the Board of Directors or the members.
    • The President shall appoint Committee Chairpersons with approval of the Board of Directors.
    • The President shall share, with the Treasurer, the right to sign checks and warrants for the withdrawal of corporate funds.
    • The President shall provide yearly reports to the membership regarding the actions of the Board of Directors, the financial status of the organization, activities of the committees and other activities of the organization.
    • The President shall represent the organization at national and regional RID conferences, attending applicable business and organizational meetings. To aid in this responsibility, UTRID will either reimburse or schedule and pay directly for the President’s transportation, registration and accommodations, totaling up to 10% of the organization’s current account balance, but not to exceed $1500. 
    • The President shall provide an annual report and all other documentation to the RID National Representative in accordance with the RID Affiliate Chapter Requirements.
  • Secretary 
    • The Secretary shall keep a full and accurate record of allproceedings of the Board of Directors and of the general membership meetings.
    • The Secretary shall keep the seal of the corporation and affix it to such papers and instruments as may be required in the regular course of business and shall make service of such notices as may be necessary or proper.
    • The Secretary shall supervise the keeping of the records of the organization.
    • The Secretary shall perform other duties of the office as prescribed by the Board of Directors.
  • MAL (Student Involvement Chair)
    • The Student Involvement MAL is responsible for forming a committee to plan workshops and Student focused activities for the membership of UTRID.
    • Members-at-Large shall act as liaisons to the Board ofDirectors from the membership, working directly with the membership assisting with the coordination of activities and communications within the organization.
  • MAL (Immersion Camp Chair)
    • The Immersion Camp Chair is responsible for forming a committee to plan and execute the bi-annual ASL Immersion Camp for certified interpreters only
    • Members-at-Large shall act as liaisons to the Board of Directors from the membership, working directly with the membership assisting with the coordination of activities and communications within the organization.
  • MAL (Public Relations)
    • The Public Relations  MAL is responsible for community outreach and communications to membership via Webpage and Social Media platforms.
    • Members-at-Large shall act as liaisons to the Board of Directors from the membership, working directly with the membership assisting with the coordination of activities and communications within the organization.

Nominations are due Aug 5, 2023