Independent Study Plan

*Those using UTRID as a CMP sponsor have responsibilities they must adhere to in order to get CEUs for themselves or for workshop participants. Failure to adhere to these responsibilities or to follow UTRID’s guidelines may lead to the inability to get CEUs.*

Steps to receive CEUs for Independent Studies activities

  1. Contact the CMP sponsor to approve the plan before proceeding.
  2. Submit payment if required (Members receive 1 per year as a benefit of membership, each additional is $10. Only purchase if you have exhausted your yearly benefit.)
  3. Complete the Independent Study form.
    1. Upload supporting materials such as event description, lesson plan, agenda, learning objectives, flyers, brochures, etc
    2. Paper form for reference only: Independent Study Plan
  4. Work with the CMP Sponsor to determine:
    1. Number of CEUs and if they are Professional Studies or General Studies
      1. An Independent Study is weighted differently because the learning process is more self-discovery and is developing as the process unfolds. Consider how much time you will devote to this study and how it should be weighted for CEU value.

        The RID CMP follows the guidelines identified by the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

        A maximum of 2.0 CEUs can be earned for each project, however it is up to the applicant to outline the work and study that will be included as part of the independent study plan in order to earn the credits they are contracting to for.

        A typical independent study for 2.0 CEUs will require 40-60 hours of time invested by the I.S. applicant.  (Larger projects may be broken into components and filed as separate independent studies earning up to 2.0 CEUs for each.)

      2. CEUs are not a 1:1 ratio, but typically 2-3 hours of work for each .1 CEU credit.
    2. How to prove attendance/participation
  5. Complete the Independent Study as outlined
    1. Obtain/maintain verification materials as agreed upon with the CMP Sponsor
  6. Submit attendance/ participation verification materials to the CMP Coordinator within 10 days of the event
**Note on Paper forms: While you can opt to use paper forms to gather the necessary information, you will need to convert this to a digital format or transfer the information to the correct online form. This will expedite the processing of the credits. Do not submit scanned, handwritten forms as you will be asked to re-submit digitally and this will delay the processing of your credits.**

Continuing Education Activity Plan Sponsor Form

*Those using UTRID as a CMP sponsor have responsibilities they must adhere to in order to get CEUs for themselves or for workshop participants. Failure to adhere to these responsibilities or to follow UTRID’s guidelines may lead to the inability to get CEUs.*

Steps to host a workshop with approved CEUs

**Do not advertise the event as eligible for CEUs before the flyer/workshop has been approved.**

  1. Submit payment if required (Organizational members receive 6 workshops processed as a benefit of membership)
  2. Complete the Continuing Education Activity Plan form at least 45 days before the event (note: UTRID has combined the Continuing Education Activity Plan form and the Instructor form submission to streamline our process)
    1. You will need:
      1. Organizer name and contact info
      2. Course Title, Date, Times
      3. Instructor name, Bio, Headshot, and media that will be used
      4. Course Description, Objectives and how you will evaluate student learning
      5. PS or GS What is the Difference between Professional Studies (PS) and General Studies (GS) CEUs?
      6. Promotional Materials(Flyers, posters, etc)
        1. Review UTRID’s requirements for promotional/advertising materials here: Promotional/Advertising Requirements
      7. Certificate of Completion – Create your certificate
      8. Please submit all required information for your request to be processed in a timely fashion. Missing data will slow processing.
  3. Advertise your event after approval from the CMP sponsor
  4. Print several copies of the QR Page to show to attendees UTRID Evaluation QR  and/or add this QR code to the presentation slides Presentation QR
  5. During your event:
    1. Follow the educational objectives submitted.
    2. Collect attendee information by providing the link and QR code to attendees for Evaluations
      1. Attendees are not required to answer the questions on the evaluation, they can skip all but the title and date of the activity.
      2.  After submitting the Evaluation Form, Attendees will see a link to request credit for the workshop.
      3. Attendees should not be permitted to request CEU/CEH credit if they missed over 25% of the activity.
      4. Only the attendees who complete the request form will get CEUs, the CMP Coordinator cannot honor requests to modify the Roll after it has been submitted.
      5. CEUs will not be granted if attendees leave their RID number blank or if their details are not an exact match to their profile on the RID membership database.
    3. Distribute (Paper or electronic) Certificates of Completion to attendees
    4. You can view the evaluations and the list of attendees who completed the forms here: Workshop Evaluations and CEUS
  6. Complete the online Activity Report Form within 10 days of the event.
    1. This will include
      1. Activity Title
      2. Activity ID
      3. Instructor RID# if they would like CEU/CEH credit
      4. Roster/Roll (gathered electronically)
      5. Evaluations & Comments (gathered electronically)
    2. If the Activity Report Form is not submitted to the UTRID CMP Coordinator, then the attendees will not get CEUs/CEHs.

Paper Continuing Education Activity Plan Sponsor form for reference only

Paper Instructor Form for reference only

Paper Activity Report Form for reference only

**Note on Paper forms: While you can opt to use paper forms to gather the necessary information, you will need to convert this to a digital format and transfer the information to the correct online form. This will expedite the processing of the credits. Do not submit scanned, handwritten forms as you will be asked to re-submit digitally and this will delay the processing of your credits.**

Workshop instructors / coordinators who repeatedly do not follow these guidelines may be asked to seek a different CMP sponsor.

Promotional Requirements for Workshop Flyers

To provide a reliable basis for participants to select continuing education activities that meet their personal learning objectives, all promotional media, outreach, and material for activities offering RID CEUs are required to have:

  1. The RID CMP, ACET, and UTRID logo. Copies of the logos are provided and may be reduced or enlarged to fit the design of the promotional materials.
    RID logo  UTRID logo
  2. The following paragraph:
    UTRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities.  This [Content Area] program is offered for [#] CEUs at the [Knowledge Level] Content Knowledge Level.
  3. Information on the educational objectives of the activity. This information may take a variety of formats and depth of detail.
  4. Information on the refund and cancellation policy of the Sponsor. It is acceptable to print a link or Internet address identifying contact information, applicable registration policies, and all other registration information rather than the entire policy. Example:
  5. The target audience, as described in the Continuing Education Activity Plan. Example: ASL Students and Interpreters of every skill level are invited to attend
  6. A statement soliciting requests for reasonable accommodations from potential participants. Example: Requests for accommodation will be submitted during the registration process. Example 2: To request an accommodation, please contact (name, email, phone).
  7. A statement identifying the policies on non-discrimination and promoting an environment mutual respect and free from bias. Example: (Your Organization) does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

2019 Conference

Volunteers needed for committee positions!

Please contact [email protected] to apply

Artist Call |Logo Design 


UTRID invites you to submit up to two designs for the 2019 State Conference. The logo is featured on the conference publications and advertising.

Entries due January 15, 2019

Winning Design Announced
February 1, 2019

Entries must:

  • Be camera-ready design or image.
  • Digital images are preferred (SVG/PNG/JPG).
  • Include the words “Feed your E.L.K.” and “2019”

Please include the following information with your submission:

  • Name
  • Mailing address
  • phone
  • e-mail address.

Email entries to [email protected] or mail to UTRID Logo Design, 5709 South 1500 West, SLC UT 84123

The original artwork of the winning design will become property of UTRID. You will retain the rights to use your image for your portfolio, UTRID will own the copyright to the selected work for reproductions.
The UTRID logo and the dates will be added in an unobtrusive area of the design.

Printable Flyer

2019 T-shirt design wanted

Calling all t-shirt designers! UTRID needs you! We are looking for a new t-shirt design this year.

There are two requirements

1: it must say UTRID (or our identity/logo)

2: it must have the hashtag #interpreterunity

Ready? Set. Go!

If your design is chosen you win a FREE ONE YEAR MEMBERSHIP TO UTRID, and a t-shirt!


Please email your submissions to [email protected] by November 7th! Thank you! Good luck!!


Printable flyer