Silent Weekend Presenter Preview

Enjoy team building and artistic expression lead by

Stephanie Belshe and Chrystee Davenport!


Register Here!


Who is it for? Certified interpreters and Deaf interpreters or aspiring Deaf interpreters

When is it? Thursday, May 4th (evening) through Sunday, May 7th (morning)

What is it worth? 1.6 CEUs or more

Where is it at? Heber, Utah at Silver Springs Lodge

Why should I go? Immersive FUN!!!!


When you sign up for Silent Weekend, you will receive a three night stay at the beautiful Silver Springs Lodge in Heber Utah. Your stay will include meals starting on Friday morning and workshops rewarding at least 1.6 CEUs. (No partial credit for CEUs.)

Silent Weekend Sponsors


UTRID’s 2023 Silent Weekend is sponsored by:


ASL Communications has donated a limited number of discounted tickets. If you want to participate in Silent Weekend and you find yourself in need of financial assistance, please contact [email protected].




Who is it for? Certified interpreters and Deaf interpreters or aspiring Deaf interpreters

When is it? Thursday, May 4th (evening) through Sunday, May 7th (morning)

What is it worth? 1.6 CEUs or more

Where is it at? Heber, Utah at Silver Springs Lodge

Why should I go? Immersive FUN!!!!


When you sign up for Silent Weekend, you will receive a three night stay at the beautiful Silver Springs Lodge in Heber Utah. Your stay will include meals starting on Friday morning and workshops rewarding at least 1.6 CEUs. (No partial credit for CEUs.)

Streamlined Registration for Silent Weekend

Based on YOUR feedback, we’ve made registering for Silent Weekend even easier! Select your bed type and tell us your room sharing preferences at checkout, then we’ll find rooming accommodations that match your needs. 

If you want to participate in Silent Weekend and you find yourself in need of financial assistance, please contact [email protected].

Register Here!

Who is it for? Certified interpreters and Deaf interpreters or aspiring Deaf interpreters

When is it? Thursday, May 4th (evening) through Sunday, May 7th (morning)

What is it worth? 1.6 CEUs or more

Where is it at? Heber, Utah at Silver Springs Lodge

Why should I go? Immersive FUN!!!!


When you sign up for Silent Weekend, you will receive a three night stay at the beautiful Silver Springs Lodge in Heber Utah. Your stay will include meals starting on Friday morning and workshops rewarding at least 1.6 CEUÎs. (No partial credit for CEUs.)



Last day for Silent Weekend Early Bird! (3/31/23)

Members far and wide!

Please note that today March 31, 2023 will be the last day you can register for Silent Weekend at the price of $275!

Tomorrow April 1, 2023 the price will increase to $350 so hurry and register if you want to take advantage of the early bird price!!

It’s going to be a blast you won’t want to miss out on this weekend!

Silent Weekend – May 4-7 in Heber, UT – Reserved for hearing and Deaf certified interpreters as well as aspiring Deaf interpreters – worth 1.6+CEUs


Click here to learn more!


(Silver Springs Lodge)

Silent Weekend Early Bird Deadline!


Attention Members!

Silent Weekend Early Bird pricing will increase to $350 on April 1st! (no we are not fooling around!)

If you want to register for the early bird do it before April 1st!!


Silent Weekend – May 4-7 in Heber, UT – Reserved for hearing and Deaf certified interpreters as well as aspiring Deaf interpreters – worth 1.6+CEUs


Click here to learn more!

2023 Silent Weekend Registration

Welcome to Silent Weekend 2023!

Who is it for? Certified UTRID interpreters and Deaf interpreters or aspiring Deaf interpreters
When is it? Thursday, May 4th through Sunday, May 7th
What is it worth? 16 CEHs or more
Where is it at? Heber, Utah at Silver Springs Lodge
Why should I go? FUN!!!!

When you sign up for Silent Weekend and pay the early bird fee of $275, you will receive a three night stay at the beautiful Silver springs Lodge in Heber Utah. Your stay will include meals starting on Friday morning and workshops rewarding 16 CEHs. (No partial credit for CEUs)

Each participant will be asked to:
– Check in upon arrival
– Follow all rules of the rental
– Respect other participants
– Help with meal prep and cleanup (signup will happen upon check-in)
– Check out according to the requirements of the rental home.

NOTE: You are purchasing a bed in a particular room. If you want to share a room or a bed with another participant, be sure that you work together to purchase in the same room. All King and Queen beds will be shared. Keep in mind that there is one room that is designated as a men’s only room, another as a women’s only room while the rest are open to the possibility of being co-ed where needed. You will receive more information as we get closer to the actual weekend.

Keep in mind you must be an active member of UTRID to register.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! —> 2023 Silent Weekend 


2023 Silent Weekend! SAVE THE DATES!

(correction: 16 CEHs)

Silent Weekend 2023 will be held May 4-7 in Heber City, UT
Registration will be open MARCH 1st!
There will be limited spots available so it’s important to be
ready to sign up when registration is live!
Early Bird pricing will start at $275 & end April 1st!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact [email protected]


2022 Silent Weekend Update

Hello Interpreting Friends!

I wanted to keep you posted on what is happening with Silent Weekend.

We sent out a survey asking for your interest and response related to Silent Weekend and we really appreciate your input. Thank you!

I’ve said several times lately, “COVID ruins everything!” It kind of got the better of Silent Weekend for this year. Long story, but it looks like we are starting to pull out of the COVID nightmare. *fingers crossed*

We as the UTRID board, and I as the Silent Weekend chair have evaluated the UTRID offerings. We LOVE our conferences and we LOVE being with you at Silent Weekend. We want to be intentional about supporting and offering both events. We have a big conference coming in the Fall so we are going to focus our efforts there for now. AND we are going to focus on planning an amazing Silent Weekend for next Spring (2023).

We look forward to seeing you face to face and sharing hugs soon!

Thank you for all of your support!
Teresa Edwards
Silent Weekend Chair, UTRID

2021 UTRID Business Meeting

2021 UTRID Business Meeting

Saturday, August 7th, Noon-1:00 PM

RSVP here at your earliest to attend the live-streamed Business Meeting.

This year’s Business Meeting will include elections for open board positions and Presidential report.


Open Board Positions & Nominations

Board positions will be voted into office during the Business Meeting of this year’s Bi-Annual State Conference—

Nominations are being accepted for the following positions:

  • President
    • The President shall have general supervision and direction of the business and affairs of the organization. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and/or Directors and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed, from time to time, by the Board of Directors or the members.
    • The President shall appoint Committee Chairpersons with approval of the Board of Directors.
    • The President shall share, with the Treasurer, the right to sign checks and warrants for the withdrawal of corporate funds.
    • The President shall provide yearly reports to the membership regarding the actions of the Board of Directors, the financial status of the organization, activities of the committees and other activities of the organization.
    • The President shall represent the organization at national and regional RID conferences, attending applicable business and organizational meetings. To aid in this responsibility, UTRID will either reimburse or schedule and pay directly for the President’s transportation, registration and accommodations, totaling up to 10% of the organization’s current account balance, but not to exceed $1500. 
    • The President shall provide an annual report and all other documentation to the RID National Representative in accordance with the RID Affiliate Chapter Requirements.
  • Secretary 
    • The Secretary shall keep a full and accurate record of all proceedings of the Board of Directors and of the general membership meetings.
    • The Secretary shall keep the seal of the corporation and affix it to such papers and instruments as may be required in the regular course of business and shall make service of such notices as may be necessary or proper.
    • The Secretary shall supervise the keeping of the records of the organization.
    • The Secretary shall perform other duties of the office as prescribed by the Board of Directors.
  • MAL (Student Involvement)
    • The Student Involvement MAL is responsible for forming a committee to plan workshops and Student focused activities for the membership of UTRID.
    • Members-at-Large shall act as liaisons to the Board of Directors from the membership, working directly with the membership assisting with the coordination of activities and communications within the organization.
  • MAL (Silent Weekend Chair)
    • The Silent weekend Chair is responsible for forming a committee to plan and execute the annual Silent Weekend for certified interpreters only
    • Members-at-Large shall act as liaisons to the Board of Directors from the membership, working directly with the membership assisting with the coordination of activities and communications within the organization.
  • MAL (Public Relations)
    • The Public Relations  MAL is responsible for community outreach and communications to membership via Webpage and Social Media posts.
    • Members-at-Large shall act as liaisons to the Board of Directors from the membership, working directly with the membership assisting with the coordination of activities and communications within the organization.

Please see Article IV, Section 4 of the UTRID Chapter Bylaws for detailed descriptions of each position.

Nominations are due Aug 7, 2021

  • Nominations may be made on the floor of the business meeting; individuals may decline a nomination.
  • Email nominations to [email protected]. Email subject must read “2021 Board Nomination” and must include (1) the name of the individual being nominated, (2) the position for which they are being nominated, and (3) the nominee’s email address.
  • Questions? Email: [email protected]

2021 Save the Dates

UTRID has a full year of events planned, mark your calendars!

As we go into a new year, we are planning all workshops for virtual delivery until further notice. We hope to see you there!


9th 9:00a- PD Workshop – Interpreting in a Dynamic Social Landscape; –  Zoom

21st 6:00p-Student Workshop-Building a resilient body; How diet affects interpreting – Zoom


13th 9:00a – Board Meeting – Zoom

25th 6:00p- Student Workshop – Building a Resilient Body– Zoom

27th 11:30a- Terp Talk – Cultivating Resilience through Self-care –  Zoom


13th 9:00a- PD Workshop- From Interpreter to Presenter; adapting your skills to presentations that work  – Zoom


15th 6:00p- Student Workshop – TBA– Zoom


5th – Interpreter Appreciation Day (first Wednesday of May)

15th 9:00a – Board Meeting – Zoom


5th  9:00a – Board Meeting – Zoom

12th 11:30a- Terp Talk – Ethical Adaptability in VRI Appointments –  TBA

17th 6:00p – Student Workshop- Speed Mentoring Part 3 – TBA


10th- 9:00a Future Leaders of UTRID: YOU–  TBA

17th 9:00a – Board Meeting – Zoom


6th-8th Annual Conference A.R.T. Adaptability, Resilience, and Transformation

**Early Bird Pricing available May 1st-31st**


9th-12th 1st annual Silent Weekend Better Together–  TBA

**Early Bird Pricing available May 1st-31st**

25th 9:00a PD Workshop-  UTRID Book Club; Dare to Lead -Brene Brown–  TBA


9th 11:30a Terp Talk – Transforming the Face of Interpreting–  TBA

14th 6:00p- Student Workshop- Mock Interpreting Practice–  TBA


Date TBA Giving Tree booth @ Deaf Center Bazaar


3rd 6:00p Sub for Santa


**Projected 4.3 CEUs/ 43 CEHs**

pending approval

UTRID Save the Dates 2021 Printable Flyer