2022 Silent Weekend Update

Hello Interpreting Friends!

I wanted to keep you posted on what is happening with Silent Weekend.

We sent out a survey asking for your interest and response related to Silent Weekend and we really appreciate your input. Thank you!

I’ve said several times lately, “COVID ruins everything!” It kind of got the better of Silent Weekend for this year. Long story, but it looks like we are starting to pull out of the COVID nightmare. *fingers crossed*

We as the UTRID board, and I as the Silent Weekend chair have evaluated the UTRID offerings. We LOVE our conferences and we LOVE being with you at Silent Weekend. We want to be intentional about supporting and offering both events. We have a big conference coming in the Fall so we are going to focus our efforts there for now. AND we are going to focus on planning an amazing Silent Weekend for next Spring (2023).

We look forward to seeing you face to face and sharing hugs soon!

Thank you for all of your support!
Teresa Edwards
Silent Weekend Chair, UTRID