Sheri Ramirez
Sheri Ramirez
Last night was our Town Hall meeting with Dr. Carolyn Ball, Affiliate Chapter Liaison to RID, and Krystal Sanders, Region V Representative to RID. The town hall was a forum for UTRID to voice their support or rejection for the RID Board to move forward with further research into what is required for RID to transition from a Member Driven Organization (MDO) to a Professional Certification Organization (PCO).
You can find more information about the Townhall and Transition here: https://rid.org/organizational-transition-overview/transition-faqs/ Additional information about the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) can be found here: https://www.credentialingexcellence.org/page/get-started-with-accreditation
Dr. Ball assured us that, should all chapters support the board doing a further investigation, all information gleaned from the research will be shared openly with all RID members. That information will be disseminated prior to a voting opportunity to accept or reject any proposals to change the framework of RID.
UTRID members had many questions and comments – most that cannot be answered until more information has been gathered. Some of those questions/comments were:
In summary: The UTRID Board and participants in the Town hall support the RID board in doing further research into accreditation. President McConnachie must contact President Webb and let him know of our support before September 15, 2020.
If you have any objections to providing support, please email Kimm at [email protected] before Monday 9/14. Otherwise, the UTRID board looks forward to learning more during the accreditation discovery phase and commits to keeping our membership informed.
Dear Member of UTRID,
The Board of Directors strives for excellence while representing and supporting you—a prized associate of UTRID. Consistently at the forefront of our discussions as a board are matters of optimizing the organization and improving the experiences of our fellow UTRID members. With our annual conference less than a month away, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce two proposed changes to the UTRID Bylaws, each requiring ratification by the membership. Voting will take place in our annual Business Meeting on Aug. 8th, in conjunction with the 2020 VISION Conference.
Please review the information below and consider any points of discussion you may feel necessary to address in the Business Meeting. Please note that you must be a current member of UTRID and a voting member of RID to cast a vote in the UTRID Business Meeting.
Proposition #1
As with any new experience, it can take time for someone entering a board position to learn the ropes and reach their greatest potential as they serve members of the organization. The proposed change will help give board members additional opportunity to continue to serve in their positions after learning the ropes, which is something that will help increase the effectiveness of the board.
As expected, it can take some time for recently elected members of the Board of Directors to find their stride in their new position. Proposition #1 will make it possible for members of the Board to continue serving in capacities even after becoming familiar with the operations of their role; this proposition intends to increase the effectiveness of the board.
First, adjust the current term limit from 2 to 3 consecutive terms in one office.
Secondly, increase the maximum number of consecutive terms in an executive office from 3 to 4.
Please note: there will be no consecutive maximum of the total number of years that a MAL (Member at Large) may serve on the board, but they will be bound by the 3 consecutive terms in one office.
Article IV, Section 2:B of the UTRID Chapter Bylaws shall be revised to state:
No officer shall hold the same office for more than three (3) consecutive terms. In addition, no officer shall serve more than four (4) consecutive terms on the executive board of directors.
The election schedule and terms of service shall continue as presently instituted:
Odd Years | Even Years |
Secretary MAL (Student Involvement) MAL (Public Relations/Membership Outreach) MAL (Silent Weekend/Camp Planner) |
Vice President
Treasurer MAL (UAD Liason) MAL (Conference Planner) MAL (Professional Development) |
Proposition #2
As presently instituted, when a new member of the UTRID board is elected, the outgoing board member continues involvement for a 2-month transitional period. With the amount of responsibility designated to the role of President, we believe an additional system of support would benefit both the incoming President and the operations of UTRID.
Proposal: Change the outgoing term of transitional service for the president and create the title of Past President to serve in an advisory capacity with no voting rights.
Article IV, Section 2:D of the UTRID Chapter Bylaws shall be revised to state:
The Outgoing president shall be named Past President and continue to serve in an advisory capacity for 12 months, without voting privileges. All other outgoing Board members will serve an additional two months during the transitional period without voting privileges.
The proposals above will be made at the UTRID business meeting on Saturday, August 8th at Noon. If you have any points of concern regarding these proposals, please join us at the meeting.
Our conference planning committee continues to work hard to bring us a fantastic conference this historic year! Please visit the 2020 VISION One-stop Info Shop for additional information on the UTRID 2020 VISION Conference.
UTRID Board of Directors
Please join UTRID for our Annual Business Meeting
Aug 3, 2019 from 12:30-1:30
During UTRID’s business meeting I will share our yearly reports to the membership regarding the actions of the Board of Directors, the financial status of the organization, activities of the committees and other activities of UTRID.
We will also be voting for our board positions during the business meeting.
The best part about it?? FREE LUNCH for conference attendees, and time with me!!
See you all then!
Kimm Crosby-McConnachie