UTRID Conference Business Meeting Minutes | August 3, 2019

Date: 8/3/2019

Conducting: Kimm Crosby-McConnachie
Call to Order:  12:55 pm

Review and acceptance of meeting notes from the July board meeting postponed to September 14, 2019 Board meeting . 

New Business

  • President’s annual report (see attached powerpoint)
  • Treasury report (see attached powerpoint)
  • Sponsor raffle; 2 winners for massage from Purple

New Board members & Members At Large (MAL)

    • President; Kimm McConnachie
    • Secretary; Greg See
    • Student Involvement: Mallory Monson
    • Silent weekend/Camp Chair: Sheri Rameriz

Old Business

  • Thank you to existing Board members, exiting Board members, conference sponsors, and the conference volunteers

Meeting Adjourned  1:15 pm

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