Volunteers Needed

Hello friends,

We are planning a Mother’s Day fundraiser for the upcoming UTRID Conference. The plan is to offer different goodie packages with chocolate covered strawberries, caramel and chocolate covered pretzels, and roses. We will take orders up until May 9th. Then people can have the option to pick up at the orders at the Deaf Center, or have them Delivered on May 11.

I am in need of helpers for the following:

Now until May 9:
-Selling!! We are hoping to have order forms (both printed and electronic) ready by this Thursday or Friday. Watch for them.
-Helping me organize my ideas and plans. Boundaries for delivery options? Order and payment tracking. Cute advertising? Etc.

May 9: Purchase of Supplies (Joining me while shopping, or tag teaming at different stores as necessary)

May 10: Production of Goodie Packages. I am working on reserving the Deaf Center kitchen all day on Friday to make the chocolate covered strawberries, pretzels and assembly of the gift boxes.

May 11: Delivery.

If you can help out with any of these things, please sign up here:

Volunteer today!
Sign Up To Volunteer
Click to sign up online

Nicole V. -Fundraising Chair

If you run into problems or have any questions, please email us!

2019 Conference

Volunteers needed for committee positions!

Please contact [email protected] to apply

Artist Call |Logo Design 


UTRID invites you to submit up to two designs for the 2019 State Conference. The logo is featured on the conference publications and advertising.

Entries due January 15, 2019

Winning Design Announced
February 1, 2019

Entries must:

  • Be camera-ready design or image.
  • Digital images are preferred (SVG/PNG/JPG).
  • Include the words “Feed your E.L.K.” and “2019”

Please include the following information with your submission:

  • Name
  • Mailing address
  • phone
  • e-mail address.

Email entries to [email protected] or mail to UTRID Logo Design, 5709 South 1500 West, SLC UT 84123

The original artwork of the winning design will become property of UTRID. You will retain the rights to use your image for your portfolio, UTRID will own the copyright to the selected work for reproductions.
The UTRID logo and the dates will be added in an unobtrusive area of the design.

Printable Flyer

Stephanie Mathis

Stephanie Mathis, a Southern California native, is the executive director of Sego Lily Center for the Abused Deaf (SLCAD) in Salt Lake City, Utah. She worked for SLCAD for 10 years and enjoys working with people who are passionate about keeping the Deaf Community safe. She graduated from Gallaudet University with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling with an Associate Clinical Mental Health Counseling license and is a Certified Deaf Interpreter and a court approved interpreter in the state of Utah. Not only does Stephanie work with survivors of abuse, but much of her time is spent on training service providers such as interpreters, law enforcement agencies, mental health counselors, lawyers, and domestic violence shelter staff to provide accessible and effective services to Deaf survivors of abuse. She has other passions: her family (3 sons, one daughter, a loving husband) AND dancing.  Stephanie is a certified Zumba Instructor who’s outlook on life is much like the Leann’s Womack’s song “When you have the choice to sit it out or dance…I hope you DANCE!”

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Betsy Bennion

Betsy has been interpreting for 13 years.  For most of her career, she has worked primarily in higher education, but approximately three years ago started VRS interpreting at Purple Communications and rapidly grew to love the people at Purple and the nature of VRS work.  She now has the great opportunity to lead the Purple Communications team in Sandy as the Center Manager.  She is the mother of two wild/sweet children, ages 9 and 7.

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Jed Patton

Jed Patton is a dynamic personality with interests in a variety of areas which allow him to bring perspective and understating to his learning environment. He currently serves as Director of the Salt Lake City Sorenson Communication VRS center. While raising a brood of children, and with the support of his spouse, Jed has completed two Masters degrees: he holds a Masters of Business Administration and Masters of Fine Arts, Visual Development. He also maintains his NIC interpreting credentials from the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, and has been professionally interpreting for 18 years. Jed spent many years in the classroom teaching at Boise State University and worked on developing an ASL curriculum used in the Idaho prep-schools. Jed currently resides in a blossoming city nestled next to Utah Lake with his lovely spouse and six children.

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Priscila Monteiro

Originally from Brazil, where she holds a B.S. in Physical Therapy and completed a residency in Oncology. She just completed her M.s. in Health Promotion and Education from the University of Utah, where she works as a Clinical Research Coordinator. She first heard of the Resilience Model during the first year of her Master’s program. She felt an instant connection and was able to combine all her passions to create a Resilience Training Program for Smoke Cessation for Women with Cancer. This lead to a greater understanding of previous events in her life and the creation of a Resilience Training for Women, and now applying the concepts to interpreters and the work they do.

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Pamela Mower

Pamela Mower was born deaf and grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. She earned her degrees (Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies) and (Master of Science in Administration and Supervision) from Gallaudet University. She has 15 years of experience working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing job seekers, educating employers on accommodations for the Deaf and hard of hearing along with encouraging them to hire more Deaf and Hard of Hearing. She worked at Gallaudet University for over 10 years as an Employer Specialist in the Career Center before working at Sorenson VRS in the Marketing Department as a studio producer in Utah. In May 2013, Pamela started working at the Division of services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (also known as Sanderson Community Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) as a statewide Employment Specialist. She also serves on various boards in the Deaf community such as Utah Association of the Deaf, Wheeler Scholarship and more.

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